About YJC The Founder
Surgical Non-surgical


Mesotherapy is by far the most successful of all current cellulite treatments available today. Mesotherapy is used for cellulite reduction, spot weight reduction and skin rejuvenation. Mesotherapy is a safe, non-invasive procedure used to get rid of cellulite, improve skin tone and decrease wrinkles. For the right candidate, mesotherapy can be an excellent alternative to tumescent liposuction, the safest form of liposuction.

The benefits associated with Mesotherapy are instantaneous and are frequently compared to those offered by Liposuction. In its most simple form, Mesotherapy uses customized microinjections of medications, amino acids, and vitamins that are administered into the mesoderm layer of the skin by a licensed medical provider. Mesotherapy injections target specific body areas and are used to treat a broad spectrum of illnesses, pain conditions and body contour issues. Additionally, Mesotherapy is frequently used to eliminate sagging skin of the face and neck, retard the progression of wrinkling, and rejuvenate complexions offering a more youthful appearance.

YJC offers a quality of life approach to cosmetic health. Besides mesotherapy, we offer cutting edge cosmetic procedures, some of which are listed in our services page. For inquiries, please call or email us.

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