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Surgical Non-surgical


Who says sex becomes boring after a woman gives birth? And you wish it can be as pleasurable and exciting during your “first time”? And you think your vagina doesn’t turn on you man anymore maybe aesthetically..

These questions pose insecurities on every woman’s pride and general well-being.

Let’s face it, we women want to please our “men” in bed as much as our men wants to satisfy us.

But don’t despair, because modern cosmetic surgery can solve these problems. Here in YJC Beauty and Slim Center we offer various procedures to answer all your problems. Cosmetic surgeons worldwide attest to the successful results of this procedure among their patients. Not only can they regain their self-esteem, but Vaginoplasty can give enormous enjoyment in their sexual lives.

Vaginoplasty, commonly called as virginity restoration, is for women who gave birth who wish to tighten their vaginal opening. It is done if the patient after delivery has lacerations or was not repaired properly.

©2006 by YJC Beauty and Slim Center