About YJC The Founder
Surgical Non-surgical

Natural Bust Enlargement

Our center is equipped with devices that firmly develop and enlarge the female bust without surgery especially during the growing age.

With our treatment package, they can attain at least one inch. Other beauty centers do herbal treatment, but here we do combination of herbal and mechanical treatment, but we are more of mechanical treatment. If we would rate it, mechanical is 60%, herbal is 20%, and exercise is 20%.

In bust treatment, the younger the client's age is, the better. Let's say the client is around 10 years old, she can attain around 3 to 4 inches for a period of three months. For a person at the age of 35, she can attain half an inch to one inch. But it depends. We also have clients who are 25 to 30 years old who gained a maximum of 3 to 4 inches after completing our treatment package. But we admit that we also don't accept clients which we think are no longer candidates for such kind of treatment.

before treatment

Before Treatment

after treatment

After Treatment

©2006 by YJC Beauty and Slim Center